Airlines can do better
I returned from an overseas trip a few weeks ago on Delta Airlines. The service was surprisingly (and pleasantly) better than my family and I expected and we were especially pleased with some of the flight attendants’ attention to detail and demeanor. There were some issues with the airplane itself that needed attention which I wanted to point out to someone.
The inside cover of the inflight magazine had a full page ad from Delta inviting my feedback through a URL. Purportedly, they wanted me to go home after a 10 hour journey, remember the URL, then take the time and remember to go online to the URL and enter my feedback.
I’d wager that almost no one on the flight took the trouble to do that. With the result that Delta never learnt either the good or the bad that happened on the flight. No way to truly improve based on customer feedback. No way to reward staff for a job well done.
Ok Delta – so you clearly value customer feedback. Why not do it in a more effective way?
Like using know’N’act. Our service will allow you to get customers’ feedback right as the plane lands – through their smartphones, or during the flight on their laptops or the inflight entertainment system. The know’N’act system will let you get real-time feedback from customers, respond immediately to issues, incent your staff and truly engage your customers on their devices.
And save precious real-estate in the inflight magazine for advertisements!