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We believe in the power of education! So much so that we’re willing to make the know’N’act platform available for no charge to our educators and students, nationwide!

know’N’act is free to use for teachers/faculty and currently enrolled students in K-12 and university level programs.

Use know’N’act in several interesting ways including:

  • For class projects where students can use know’N’act for data collection and reporting. Students can now get access to a state of the art system to capture feedback and use that to drive specific behavior.
  • As a Quiz tool for in-class training. Ask a question, see how many get it right, show results in real-time on your screen or on their screens instantly!
  • As a replacement for any “clicker-based” solution you may be using today. No hardware required, nothing to check out or check in from your central store and infinitely scalable.
  • For any in-school type of surveys and campaigns. Teacher feedback, subject surveys, whatever.

All you need to do is sign up with your .EDU email account and the service is absolutely free!

Copyright 2025 know’N’act

