Real-time information and associated power

everal tomes have been written about the power of getting instant information, which empowers organizations to act upon the insight gained. What is not often mentioned is that enabling the capture of that insight and generating the appropriate response is a non-trivial exercise (and often expensive) in a distributed physical environment where the input needs to come in from people who are using the relevant products or services that may be facing issues.

We at know’N’act of course believe that we have changed that forever and for the better with our proprietary system that lets you capture and address issues in real-time. While we’ve seen success in more traditional and expected scenarios such as hospitality, we were pleasantly surprised to see know’N’act being used effectively at a large Seattle based corporation. The said corporation was interested in improving and enhancing their operational effectiveness at different places including conference rooms, vending machines, cafeterias and shuttle buses. With a campaign that took literally just a couple of hours to create and implement, the organization now has a real-time dashboard on how things are working across these various elements of their infrastructure and facilities.

With the new Alerts Escalation system, they are also able to ensure transparency in the system because if an issue is not addressed in time, it automatically gets bubbled up to the next level manager. With full reporting available at any time on what issues are arising, where and for whom. And how quickly they are addressed, or not.

Copyright 2023 know’N’act

